If the name isn't apparent, the music is. Mr. Boom Boom Bang creates a sound full of trap-rap samples and lyrics so braggadocios, it seems he might overdose on his self awareness of the drug, and game selling skills he possesses. Not to say the tracks aren't club or banger worthy, take “Hello Money” for example, it's an ode to a fleeting dollar bill that seems to allude him. This currency dilemma comes complete with triggered drums, string samples, and a frantic techno keyboard arpeggio to round out your next loud ride to the bank. Later, “Don't Trust Nobody” brings a claustrophobic dance phantasm of paranoia, in which the only cure is a trustworthy shotty. Some moments of greatness do show through on the mixtape, like the auto-tune vocals on the aforementioned “Don't Trust Nobody” which calls to mind something Kanye West would ghost write in between his croissant binges, or the “Good Ones” trap-lean amalgam that is consistent even through its Drake biting chorus. As somebody from the south I gotta respect the direction, but a little more grits, or K.R.I.T would helps the future of somebody who has promise crossing the divide from good to great, in either a pop or hardcore setting.
by Cody Blevins
Get more information on Mr. Boom Boom Bang at http://www.boomboombangblog.blogspot.com
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