Written by Just Some Guy Named "Jay"

What's up with all these women on Internet Dating Sites that complain that there is no one to hold a decent or intellectual conversation with, and make statements such as "good conversation is a lost art" and all that crap... THEN when you actually speak to those women that make these claims...... the ONLY thing they have to say is "hey", "hru", "wyd", "ok", REPEAT, "hey", "hru", "wyd", "ok", REPEAT.................................... if that's your idea of a decent intellectual conversation then our next conversation should be about.............................. shapes and colors. Maybe that's where you are at.
Besides, when I want to be "stimulated intellectually", I go seek knowledge or read a book...... who comes on tagged looking to be "intellectually stimulated"??? (most guys come on Tagged/ or Internet Dating Sites to get something ELSE stimulated if you know what I mean) For all these women that jump up and down and clog up everyone's news-feed crying and whining the phrase "I just want a decent intellectual conversation is that so wrong!?" you would think these women would have something to actually talk about when you make an attempt to strike up a conversation with one of them, but noooooo......... instead you get "baby talk" from baby mommas that seem to have picked up their conversation skills from talking to a 2 year old all day, getting stuck in an endless loop of "small talk" and dead end chit chat from deprived, asexual, prudes who can't think of anything else to say beyond constantly reminding you that they "aren't on here looking for anything", OR getting a series of back to back survey and test questions from shallow, superficial women reading a script and going down a checklist to see if you match her own personalized definition of a "real man". smh, if you all say the art of a "decent intellectual" conversation is DEAD....... then some of those women certainly helped kill it.................................... EVERY BODY ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR DAY! :) *smiles and hugs*
Just Some Guy Named "Jay" is an Internet Personality that hosts various Podcast Shows including an Relationship Advice Podcast titled "Relationship War Stories". You can stream the Podcasts on Youtube a http://www.youtube.com/2Good4Radio
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